Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Well, things have settled down from the move. The picture above is my favorite nook in my new apartment so far. Sorry for the bad quality, no time to break out the camera- the macbook had to suffice. I finally realized that I can pick up an internet connection from my stoop. YES! I still have quite a bit a left to buy/make for my new place. My shopping budget is practically non existent now. My new posts will probably be less internet drooling and more projects and goodwill finds ( when you have less money you are forced to be more creative, as I was hoping things would turn out... except the less money part). I've unpacked my ReadyMade magazines, a good read. The articles apply to me a lot more now that I am living in a smaller space- It's a magazine that helps get your brain working for all kinds of DIY projects, even fun ideas for entertaining guests, recipes, etc.

We are getting together an outdoors shoot this weekend! Elizabeth is modeling, Grace Mathis is doing makeup, and I am styling. I am very excited about our combo of collaboration. Check back next week for the finished result.


  1. cute little nook, ff. Can't wait to see how the shoot turns out. you've been planning that one for awhile, right? miss ya, lady!

  2. thanks. I had it planned for quite a while- can't wait to post pictures. miss you. see ya soon- love, ff.
